Sunday, November 30, 2008
the first fall hurts the most.
the unseen wounds have never healed
i still hope from a fallen rose
i still think of the times with you
those bitter days
those lovely nights
we stayed awake
we lived a life
i told myself to let it go
but my heart just turned cold
i told myself to let it go
but the memories just couldnt go
we judge others by their actions
we judge ourselves by intentions
9:22 PM
Friday, November 28, 2008
i have yet to understand why someone would freely give, and give, and give. even after how i did not cherish what was given, again and agin.
-the ways different people express themselves
-the ways different people look at things
-the ways different people react
-the things that make you unique
10:06 AM
Thursday, November 13, 2008
enjoy the process; have the time of your life
stay true to yourself; why compromise for others?
give it your best shot; be satisfied with it.
it has interest me, a fact.
the fact the eagles soar alone.
pigeons and crows fly together. alot together.
9:43 AM
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
the wicked flee when no one pursues,
but the righteous are bold as a lion.
of the unknown
i laid
my mind in fear
went on my own
influenced my peer
like theives
we walked with caution
i saw
the face of fathers
i fled
with thoughts of regret
1:36 AM