Thursday, February 28, 2008

most recently done, less than an hour ago.. white fabric paint on my newly bought 5dollars giodano shirt..
-a merry heart does good like medicine :)
3:56 AM
Sunday, February 24, 2008

recently completed a few days ago.. hitsugaya done on a shirt for daryl.. but not say very well done la.. in terms of colour and the drawing.. but overall ok..
... the good i want to do, i do not.
the evil i do not want to do, i do.
for in my flesh dwells no good thing.
10:41 PM
Thursday, February 21, 2008

my recent shirt done for yong bin.. the colours are not right.. especially concerning the hair.. mainly because i do not watch naruto and dont know how these characters should turn out.. not well done in my opinion.. well it could have been better.. but worth a shot in unfamiliar grounds..
things have been a little disappointing, but i am not discouraged..
4:00 AM
Friday, February 15, 2008

i should hav posted this long ago.. but better later than never.. took these during first day of chinese new year.. these are jus the best few from what many i took.. while any other typical person would take pictures of themselves, of families of long lost cousins, i took pictures of these little ones that caught my eye.. the first little kid is.. i dono who.. the other 2 are my cousins.. who look really alike.. and talk rather alike also.. the childlike innocence they have that i would want for myself.. im still a child, haha.. a child of the most high god..
-The world is full of personalities, but what about character?
2:00 AM
Thursday, February 14, 2008
alright finally some peace and quiet.. i did a zaraki kenpachi on my plain white tee yesterday night.. it turned out rather alright.. but not very defined throughout the whole picture.. here it is..

and i jus found out my name is on yong bin's blog.. ahhh.. he writes the weirdest and funniest things.. and my name is on his blog..
when you fight for something, you have to defend..
5:54 PM
Sunday, February 10, 2008
just came back from a long day.. and rather tiring one.. woke up early to church at indoor stadium.. pastor mark preach very good.. after service i went with caregroup go kentucky fried chicken to eat lunch.. after discuss long long.. we finally went to east coast.. woo hoo.. kool rite.. we wet cycling.. all dressed up in my marshal and skinnies and high cutt, ready to cycle.. LOL.. i rented the small bike.. unlike everyone else got mountain bike.. so i learnt one thing.. the small small bike can ride, but only when i want to cycle doubly hard.. it was only a short distance.. but the bike made things not so easy.. and cycling in a not so sporty attire.. haha.. but that doesnt sop the fun of it all.. and when all that was not enough.. i went to watch movie with my family.. the jay choo basketball show.. a so~so only show.. not really that great..
now im tired wan to go sleep.. its very late alr..
-but god does not glory in creation, but in redemption..
11:31 PM
Saturday, February 09, 2008
i just.. watched bleach movie; memories of nobody, which was kinda nice.. something to watch when ive alr seen the manga to the very recent chapter.. better drawing than the every week anime.. and i still like zaraki kenpachi..
i also jus came back from west coast.. went to darryl house cos he invited the caregroup.. we were there for a while.. then left the few of us; charris, wei xuan, darryl and the beloved of the lord. we went to west coast to play.. ahaha.. really fun.. climb up the high high red paramad.. took 4 pictures.. then play around the others fun fun stuff ther.. then while playing i found an eagle.. and we played with the eagle.. then i found a string and tied it to the eagle so it wont fly away.. it was fun.. and the eagle.. i brought it wherever i went and then brought it home..

one of the pictures that i took jus nw.. of the kite that i found on the floor.. i like this one because of how i shows the eagle.. a creature created to soar above its storms and ride the winds.. made for greatness..
-for the creations of god far surpasses the creations of man..
11:41 PM
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Quick bloging before i go sleep soon.. cos ive been sleeping quite early these few days.. since saturday.. i slept before twelve.. a bit early for someone who normally sleeps during the day.. sunday monday and tuesday slept around ten.. and after this im goin to bed..
ive been out the whole day.. went to school play batminton.. at first wan go swimming but cannot.. then we went to jurong the swimming place to go swim swim.. went to eat and walk around.. jus bath after reachin home.. quite a tiring..
thats it.. im goin to bed alr.. too lazy.. jud wanna get some rest..
9:42 PM
Friday, February 01, 2008
sian.. in the end nvr meet yong bin all yesterday.. suddenly called off.. Zzz..
and the peter pan.. bluff me one.. i thought is animation.. come out is the real life acting one.. so i nvr watch.. Zzz.. fridays.. busy fridays.. and saturdays.. and sundays..
-it is impossible to look at creation and say that there is no creator..
5:19 AM