Thursday, January 31, 2008
its now.. close to nine.. ive stayed up all night.. cos i woke up at eight last night.. jus a bit more.. and ill meet yong bin all at 12 cos his birthday..
the past many hours.. i watched 3 movies.. played psp.. ate.. to pass the time.. its now ten.. i was drawing for fun.. nw gonna bath.. and i got a movie i wanna watch.. Peter Pan.. LOL..
-cold hearted, and hot headed
or warm hearted, and a cool mind..
... smth like that..
8:48 AM

in relation to my pervious entry, here are the pictures.. well.. ya.. these photos are badly taken..
4:18 AM
its been a rather.. "lazy days and lazy nights" for me these few days.. though there were a couple of diy stuff that i did recently..
i studdded my black shoes.. and added a chain to it.. but only on one side..
i re-bleached my jeans.. now it has a smoother gradient.. the bottom now very bleached.. the on top still more or less the same.. the knee area a bit mor.. whatever it is.. its better than earlier on.. and next to lace back the holes..
then i did up my black skinnies.. sewed a zipper.. which had nice stitchings to it.. put up some studds.. that didnt turned out very well.. hooked on a chain on the side.. overall seemed alright.. except for the studds that dont stay on well..
ltr then i upload picture.. Zzz
2:17 AM
Friday, January 25, 2008
You hold the future in Your hands
You know my dreams and You have a plan
And as You light my way, I'll follow You
My eyes on all of the above
My soul secure in all You've done
My minds made up
And You are the only one for me
Jesus, Savior, in my life you are everything
My future decided, I will praise Your name
And I know that I am, I am Yours
Yeah, I know that that I am, I am Yours
With all the earth in Your command
You are the rock on which I stand
And as I live each day, I'll follow You
Aren't afraid, aren't ashamed Lord we know who we are
We are your people and we won't be silent
Unified hear us cry at the top of our lungs
You our God and we will not be shaken
my future decided.. every part of it so true.. i especially like the " Aren't afraid, aren't ashamed Lord we know who we are"... onwards.. i would always like to shout it out loud when its being played live.. this song jus makes me wanna dance.. for i am not ashamed of the gospel.. speaking of that line.. reminds me of another song..when You found me
my whole world changed
i’m redeemed by Your life
let the earth sing
You are freedom
turn my darkness to light
You welcome me in
with open arms
into unending light
i’m not ashamed of the gospel Lord
Your power Your love
You saved my soul
now i’m alive in You
i live in the risen Son
i'm not ashamed.. now i found an album i dont have.. another song that jus makes me dance in the presence of god.. for i am free to be who i am because of the cross.. ill add it in later.. soon..
6:14 AM
today collect oh? levels results.. my results were.. not that bad.. but not say very good either.. ok okay la.. but it doesnt matter much anyway.. ill still get in to the course i want.. not by my efforts.. but by god's grace..
And whoever said that the academic results of someone would determine his future.. not at all.. we hav so much to live for.. so much more to live on.. and i will not be tied down by a powerless cert.. im only.. i think seventeen.. and ive not even lived a quart of my life.. so much to live for.. so much waiting for me.. im not sayin that i hav forever.. but theres always a second chance in life.. its jus a matter of giving yourself that chance..
-why trade your precious diamonds for sweets..
just because of the lack of knowledge of what you have..
5:02 AM
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
seems like a long time since ive posted.. been a little busy.. surfing the virtual diy community.. from sites like threadbanger, craftzine, makezine, instructables..
and i jus tapered my school pants recently.. with help from my mom.. fitted jus nicely.. except for it having a little defects here and there.. but turned out quite right.. considering it was my first time tapering pants..
went cycling yesterday with phelan.. was kind of boring cos we jus cycled to skate park.. following his idea of going ther to graffiti.. it was so dark.. i couldnt take any nice pictures of it.. so hoping to go ther again when the sun is shinning so that i can get a picture of what i did.. quite bored la.. hoping to be able to cycle to east coast again some time soon.. while phelan is too tired that hes sleeping now.. :0 zzZ
and finally.. the results are coming out.. yeS ah.. and im goin to sp.. school of design.. at least that is the desire of my heart.. and im not settling for second best..
-meekness; strength under control
4:48 AM
Thursday, January 10, 2008
jus changed my phone yesterday.. pretty kool and classy.. lols.. i stayed up yesterday.. and slept abt 12 after gettin the phone.. then i woke up jus nw at 9pm..
its now eighthirty am.. im gonna bath soon and then sleep mayb at 10 eleven..
-a man is great when he lives a life beyond himself..
3:40 AM
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
jus finished it..
isnt is great?
i dont care what you say anyway..
though it looks unfinished..
simple and straight forward..
spent more on the pictures..
thanks to the movie the passion..
i used the pics from there..
and put them together..
the reason that i live..
-great wealth can never buy great health..
6:13 AM
Monday, January 07, 2008
im working on a new blogskin..
mayb done in another night..
while ill be lazzing around for now..
-when good men stay silent, evil reigns..
Mighty To Save lyrics
Everyone needs compassion
Love that’s never failing
Let mercy fall on me
Everyone needs forgiveness
The kindness of a Saviour
The hope of nations
He can move the mountains
My God is mighty to save
He is mighty to save
Author of salvation
He rose and conquered the grave
Jesus conquered the grave
So take me as You find me
All my fears and failures
Fill my life again
I give my life to follow
Everything I believe in
Now I surrender
Shine Your light and let the whole world see
We’re singing
For the glory of the risen King
8:58 PM
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
[Dream as if you'll live forever; live as if you'll die tomorrow. - james dean, well wad do you know.. james dean died in a car crash.. haha.. exactly as he said.. rebel without a pause indeed.. ]im wondering wads the big deal about another day.. so what if this day has a new year to it?.. its jus one digit different to it.. why ya need a 2007 change to a 2008 to call for such a big bang celebration? nothin grand abt it.. haha.. mayb im jus crazy too.. a new year.. to me it means a new start to things.. every year has its season.. new beginnings.. new giants.. new victories.. more importantly.. this year is a year of manifested blessings for me and my house.. yea.. no doubt about it..
yea man.. in another.. erm.. err.. about 9hrs ltr.. ill be gettin my new table.. the new addition to my room.. swt.. so ima go turn in early.. (if turn in means sleep)
- to give to others.. without expecting anything in return..
-to give to others.. because you really mean for them to have it..
-to give to others.. the best you can give to them..
-to give to others.. because you first have much..
1:11 AM