Friday, November 23, 2007

yesterday morning i was clearing my stuff.. when i saw my entry proof.. so i decided to deface it.. stick it on the wall and deface it.. and after i stick it on the wall.. i couldnt find any marker that had ink.. so the thought came to me.. to BURN BURN BURN my entry proof.. and so.. it burned.. and i thought to jus burn a bit of it.. but the fire jus consumed it all.. the pictures show what is left.. ashes that i cleared away later.. but i still leave the taped remaining proof of the entry proof..
but then again.. i hav a few more pieces of my entry proof that were used as "in case"..
i am different
i am the difference
i will be the indifferent
6:22 AM
Thursday, November 22, 2007
ten years of education
forced into wasting our golden years
to do what we never loved
so much for education
so much for schools as prisons
caught up daily with useless teachers
the upbringing without freedom
no childhood for the children
to pursue their dreams and interests
what happened to freedom of speech
and voicing of views
when you lock up the kids in schools like jails
all these years of education
what have we learned?
what have we learned?
are we even taught to love?
wrote this myself in veiw of education of today..
1:57 AM
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
so it was prom night.. everyone was dressed up nice nice.. too bad i din bring my camera along.. could hav taken a couple of hundreds of photos.. well.. after prom night.. ton outside.. was kinda boring.. we were wandering wondering.. for somewhere to jus relaX after wondering wandering.. by the time i reached home.. it was nearly 5 in the morning.. then i dragged it on until i slept at 11+.. before i knew it.. i woke up at night.. it was nearly ten.. i had my dinner.. then used the com for a while.. and then.. this morning appeared.. at 6+.. i thought ill take my camera out for a spin.. for a ride.. for some fun.. jus nearby.. and i managed to get some shots.. after a while.. i dropped by the hardware shop and bought some chains.. it was onefifty a metre.. and at one fifty a metre.. i thought i could use it around my pants.. so here are some shots..
a cat i met on my way around..
a fun shot of a van passing by.. giving the van movement.. with everythin else being still..
the rest is the chain i jus bought for onefifty/metre..
i used it to put on my pants.. hung by safety pins as usual..
looks cheap and budget..
unlike Ur 20dollars wallet chain in all sorts of fancyful designs..
but i like mine best..
live by my DIY values
11:30 AM
Saturday, November 17, 2007
jus came back from challet.. i slept for long long.. woke up at eleven after sleepin since twelve.. andmy arm still aching now.. wooo.. damn it was fun.. 4E challet was fun.. it was fun.. it was fun.. chasing after pussies outside the red house.. got stopped by cops.. crazy tiring cycling.. swimming and relaxing.. bbq food.. running around the challet playing escape.. and having fun where ever we were.. ill write it all if i had the time.. but later got dare.. and serving after the long break.. got to sleep to wake up in the morning at ten..
city without freedom.. a town of laws.. nothing to express.. crying out for a revolution..
1:40 AM
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
im done with the new skin.. though it doesnt look that great.. somemore got the background image.. not nice.. i know.. but im gonna leave it for now.. cos challet is in a few hours.. damn.. its four alr.. spent so much time on this.. dono why the template thingy doesnt load.. then made me make the changes another time.. lucky i got save.. if not need to do a third and forth time..
4E07 challet in a few hours.. 8hours more to meet at tiong..
3:50 AM
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
song bo.. get outa my life and i dont wanna see U again.. i hate U.. U ruined me.. ... education.. ive thrown my books away.. ive trashed my papers out..
WOOHOOO.. never felt better in my secondary school life..
5:26 PM