Monday, June 25, 2007
today jus came back from queensway.. and bugis.. bought some couple of stuff.. a water bottle bag.. a mcr shirt.. my lip stud.. and i went to tapered my jeans.. for a 12and a half.. Zzz.. i gotta go study soon.. looks like my skin no prob liao.. good.. haha
6:29 PM
Saturday, June 23, 2007
jus put in new skin.. but got big problem.. im nt gonna care for nw la.. cnt be more than bothered..
2:35 AM
Thursday, June 21, 2007
woke up this morning.. something about today.. i realised its only morning.. theres still hours till end of day..sian.. today got tuition again.. at 5.. i better stop usin the com and do my work.. from 5 till 7.. and probably even later.. it tends to drag a little.. up to half n hr.. then either stay at home or find the rest at bukit merah maC.. then at nine.. ... ... but i would expect a little delay here there.. ...
1:50 PM
its hard to get through another day..
not dreaming to see you once again..
aint easy getting through the hour..
time without you seems like forever..
im missing you today..
seems like ive lost my way..
it aint a good feeling..
but im missing you today..
not another day..
now you're gone away..
many miles away..
i cant do anything..
U are so far away..
my everything..
wished it was yesterday..
your voice still in my head..
looking up at star lit sky..
reminding me of your eyes..
this might be a sleepless night..
missing you aint nice..
1:22 PM
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
I see the king of glory
Coming down the clouds with fire
The whole earth shakes, the whole earth shakes
I see his love and mercy
Washing over all our sin
The people sing, the people sing
Hosanna, hosanna
Hosanna in the highest
I see a generation
Rising up to take the place
With selfless faith, with selfless faith
I see a new revival
Staring as we pray and seek
We're on our knees, we're on our knees
Heal my heart and make it clean
Open up my eyes to the things unseen
Show me how to love like you have loved me
Break my heart for what is yours
Everything I am for your kingdom's cause
As I walk from earth into eternity
Hosanna by hillsongs united
6:44 PM
ive decided to blog less.. i hav to study study.. ive hardly touched any of my holiday homework.. hardly did anythin for my o levels.. at least i tell myself to spend less time on blogging.. ill leave it dead for the next few months.. only a couple of post every now and then.. thats probably how itll be.. need to balance balance how i spend my time..
today very very full of things.. i woke up late.. abt one plus.. mus sleep early and sleep enough these few days.. then tuition at 3.. tried to do do my homework as much as i could before 3.. then ended late.. like 5 thirty or so.. even though supposed to end at 5.. then eat and nw im doin this.. meetin wai leong at 7.. to go for takewondo at night.. if dn hav tuition i definitely go find the rest of them who are studin at bukit merah maC..
5:37 PM
Monday, June 18, 2007
i said goodbye to yesterday..
my last goodbyes were never said..
wished i could turn back time..
to when things seemed fine..
when U were still here..
i held on to my dear..
but now Ur gone..
my last goodbyes were never said..
at light of dawn..
U left.. i was too late..
now all i want..
a one last time..
all i want..
jus to say goodbye..
to say to my love..
that when shes gone..
i will always think of her..
till whenshe makes that call.. again..
4:50 AM
this afternoon.. went with jar.. shahril n wai leong to somewhere do graffiti.. it was my first time doin graffiti outside.. i somemore only noob.. dono hw to do nice nice.. i bought some 4 new cans of cheapskate spray paint.. while the one i had before was better quality.. abt 5 dollars plus .. while the budget one 3ninety.. the budget one really budget.. the spray was nt even.. very concentrated in some places.. the one i buy frm art friend better.. much better.. and im defintely goin to buy that same brand again.. cos i dn wan to compromise the quality of the graffiti i do..
well it was fun.. but used up all the cans.. the old n new ones.. trying out new things.. would sure like to do it again.. wonder where else cn do.. some place deserted all.. wher no one would see.. and we would hav enough time to stay there..
some pics of it.. but they nt very nice..

done at home

4:27 AM
Sunday, June 17, 2007
stop sayin all this rot..
stop saying what im not..
ill live as what i am..
dont you giv a damn..
say what U want..
ill do what i want..
call me what im not..
in my jacket and cap..
i say im not that hot..
and U say all that crap ..
about me
so wont U let me be..
hear my plea..
so wont U let me go..
all of U..
so what if i like red..
living in the black and white..
so what if i shade my head..
loving the darkness of the night..
-im us a normal kid..
-with a different sense of me..
2:23 AM
Friday, June 15, 2007
slip me into dreamland..
where its only you and me..
this reality is jus too bland..
nothing tastes so sweet..
run with me..
we'll never get weary..
fly with me..
we've never felt so free..
like the land of honey..
nothing tasted this sweet..
like the land of honey..
we'll walk on golden streets..
the moon that never dims..
the sun that away shines..
the sky that reflects him..
this heaven on earth combines..
so dont wake me up..
im sleepin in my heaven..
im seeing the light closeup..
im stayin in my heaven..
until the sun burns me up..
wish the sun would hide its face.. cos thers too little time to sleep..
1:18 AM
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Zzz... jus finished doin a new blogskin.. but i bit lazy to touch up.. its really been freaking long that i havent touched my blog.. over a month.. things are goin wild.. im still a kid.. im still nt doin wad is right..
this aint a perfect worldthis aint a perfect societyUr nt be my perfect girlUr nt my cup of tealet time wash away..Ur broken dreams let it all fade away.. Ur sadded memories..i dont mean to hurt U.. its nt me to tear things apart.. i dont want to be cruel..if ever things to start.. i would jus pretend.. i wont be true to would all jus end.. all feelin so blue.. this love aint gonna last..this aint love at all.. cry tonight if U must..and move on as if im gone..
1:35 AM
jus came back from planetshakers concert.. very good.. quite fun.. everything was great.. jus wished my friends were there.. Zzz..
in this third day generation..
nothing fails to compare..
but hearing the revelation..
believe with me if you dare..
this is the sound of the walls..
hear them crumble and fall..
this sound of the rams horn..
the new generation is born..
as we walk through the valley..
though its nt where we wanna be..
we will rise up like the eagles..
above our giants.. we are victorious..
believe with me if U dare..
cos this world has yet to see..
believe with me if U dare..
Ur wonders and Ur glory..
one day this world will see the light..
one day they will stop this endless fight..
nations against nations..
breaking from good relations..
so we cry out..
cause them out of their fustration..
and we cry out..
lead them from temptation..
like U hav saved us..
and blessed us in excess..
1:26 AM
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
from the start U jus werent really there.. only stopped by every now and then.. things were good with U here.. but U left.. what could i say to change.. it wasnt that i shed a tear.. when U left.. it felt rather strange.. dont believe U what U did was right.. dont believe i was ever in the wrong.. dont believe on my own.. i cant take flight.. dont believe theres no reason for this song.. U were once here.. but now Ur gone.. once a while, jus appear.. now ill jus rather be withdrawn.. Ur words they come.. true but crudeU know.. but dont understand.. i hope U go.. and hav made Ur last stand.. cos i really dont wanna see you anymore.. tell me.. what for? what for? U should hav left shuttin the door.. -my response to someone i wished wouldnt care after U left.. cos in the end U wont understand.. U cnt be what U used to be.. cos Ur nt always here..
all written by me..
12:46 AM
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
long long time nvr blog.. so sian.. jus came back from camp.. slept frm 5 till eight.. camp was good.. ltr got tuition.. a bit sian la.. its really really long that nvr blog.. but all this while jus din felt like bloggin.. so many things happened..
jus had camp.. was fun.. quite la.. my grp say i talk more and open up more.. Zzz.. really meh? blaH.. no la.. it was jus me.. my group won.. jrockz 2.. but kai yan once said.. winning is jus a bonus.. the games were fun.. the services were good.. im jus lazy to explain.. but everythin was good.. a very satisflyin camp.. wateva the spelling la.. sometimes.. i jus wished my friends would know god..
so many things happened.. i havent done any holiday homework yet.. and i dono wad week is it nw.. i tink 3rd.. if im nt wrong.. And.. my art is screwed.. ive lost my direction and jus tryin to find my way back.. its crap.. totally..
1:49 PM